Monday, January 24, 2011

Fixture (tool)

fixture is a workholding or support device used in the manufacturing industry. What makes a fixture unique is that each one is built to fit a particular part or shape. The main purpose of a fixture is to locate and in some cases hold a workpiece during either a machining operation or some other industrial process.[1] A jig differs from a fixture in that it guides the tool to its correct position in addition to locating and supporting the workpiece.[1][2]
The primary purposes of jigs and fixtures is to:[1]
  • Reduce the cost of production
  • Maintain consistent quality
  • Maximize efficiency
  • Enable a variety of parts to be made to correct specifications
Types of Fixtures: General Purpose - They are usually relatively inexpensive and can be used to hold a variety and range of sizes of workpieces (examples: Vises, chucks, split collets).
Special Purpose - They are designed and built to hold a particular workpiece for a specific operation on a specific machine or process.

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